Think Tank MeetUp #20 – The Artist Entrepeneur

Think Tank MeetUp #20 – The Artist Entrepeneur

The Soundlings Collective organizes regular meetings to informally discuss current topics of interest for the broader field of music, art, sound, culture & technology.

This session’s topic will be “The Artist Entrepreneur”

This topic came to be as a reaction to our earlier topic ‘the part-time artist’. While the part-time artist conversation looked critically at all of the activities that artists have to commit to next to their art practice, there is another ‘trend’ noticeable… The artist entrepreneur… Totally committed to art, but also active in activities that advance the art practice as a whole. An artist who manages to take the necessary risks to grow and who organizes networks of artists around them…

Date: Tuesday 10 February, 2013
Time: 19:30
Location: Soundlings Space / De Etalage, Marshallaan 279, 3527 TH Utrecht

Cost: Free
Attendance is limited and by reservation.
If you are interested in joining the discussion send us a mail via: thinktank[AT]soundlings[DOT]com
You can also participate in the discussion by catching the live video stream/chat  here!

Categorized: All , Events

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