Think Tank MeetUp # 18 – The Part-Time Artist

Think Tank MeetUp # 18 – The Part-Time Artist

The Soundlings Collective organizes regular meetings to informally discuss current topics of interest for the broader field of music, art, sound, culture & technology.

This session’s topic will be ‘The Part-Time Artist’.

“Most of us would agree that it is extremely difficult to make ends meet in today’s culture climate, unless you are the artist-entrepreneur type and have figured out a solid way of ‘working your art’. So many aspiring artists however, split their time into activities that ‘pay the rent’ and the persuit of artistic goals. But there are implications to this approach. How much time can be spent on artistic growth? What happens when the art practice is divorced from financial expectations?”

Date: Monday 4 November, 2013
Time: 19:30
Location: Soundlings Space / De Etalage, Marshallaan 279, 3527 TH Utrecht

Cost: Free
Attendance is limited and by reservation.
If you are interested in joining the discussion send us a mail via: thinktank[AT]soundlings[DOT]com
You can also participate in the discussion by catching the live video stream/chat  here!



Categorized: All , Events

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