Think Tank MeetUp #21 – The future of the Think Tank Meetups

Think Tank MeetUp #21 – The future of the Think Tank Meetups

Almost 2 years ago, the very first Think Tank Meetup took place… 4 people in total trying to figure out what a Think Tank Meetup should be all about in the first place… We ended up making some choices and just went with it, resulting in many thoughtprovoking and inspiring evenings. During these past episodes we have tried out a few different formats, some of which were very succesful, while others didn’t seem to work out as well. Its about time to look back and see how we can move forward and keep these meetups as interesting as possible!

Date: Tuesday 18 March, 2014
Time: 19:30
Location: STEIM Foyer, Utrechtsedwarsstraat 134, Amsterdam

Cost: Free
Attendance is limited and by reservation.
If you are interested in joining the discussion send us a mail via: thinktank[AT]soundlings[DOT]com
You can also participate in the discussion by catching the live video stream/chat  here!

Meetup notes can be read here.

Categorized: All , Events

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