Think Tank Meetup #13 – Audio in Games: Episode 1

Think Tank Meetup #13 – Audio in Games: Episode 1

The Soundlings Collective organizes regular meetings to informally discuss current topics of interest for the broader field of music, art, sound, culture & technology.

Think Tank Meetup #13 will be the first of a specific series of meetups that will take place at the Dutch Game Garden. Attendance is limited and by reservation. You can reserve a spot via sending an email directly to thinktank [AT] soundlings [DOT] com. Alternatively if you are part of the facebook group (open for requests) you can RSVP at the event.

With these Think Tank Meetups we will be homing in on the field of Game Audio. We will discuss sound design and composition in the context of this dynamic medium. What is it, where did it come from, where is it now, where is it going, where do we want it to go?

Since this will be quite a big topic, the discussion will be split into at several sessions:

Session 1 (Meetup #13, February 13th) : Establishing Context

We will briefly cover the history of game audio as a field and see how it has evolved to what it is this day, highlighting the use of available technology and the role audio has in selected games. We will examine the where the fringes of game audio currently are in the broadest sense, again using case studies. How is audio in games used today, on a technical and conceptual level? You’re invited to review and critique either the provided case studies or particular examples that lie close to heart. We share our current knowledge of the field and make sure we are all on the same page for the next sessions.

Please let us know of any games or projects that you think should be mentioned during this session!  You can use the aboive mentioned email or the facebook group for this as well.

Date: Wednesday 13 February, 2013
Time: 19:30
Cost: Free. Attendance is by reservation.
Location: Dutch Game Garden, Neude 5 3512 AD Utrecht

The discussion is organized and moderated by ‘Soundlings’ and as usual there will be a live video stream.


Session 2 (To be scheduled): Audio Creation Workflow

We look at how audio for games is created today, from concept to execution. What tools are used? How is the audio creation process integrated in the whole of the development process? Can we identify any bottlenecks or design flaws? How do our tools influence the type of audio and the type of games we make? Are there concepts we struggle to realize because our tools hold us back?

Session 3 (To be scheduled): Future Gazing

We combine the findings from the previous sessions, discover trends, and attempt to extrapolate into the future. What role will audio have in the games of tomorrow, and how will we make them? Where do we want to take game audio?

Note: The specific order and number of sessions is subject to change.

Categorized: All , Events

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